Cats And Dogs As Young As Five Months Old Can Get Pregnant The Benefits Of Spaying And Neutering

Taking care of your animals means taking preemptive actions regarding their health.
Your brush your teeth to reduce the probability of cavities. You put away a little extra money at the end of the month in case of an emergency that puts you out of pocket. When it comes to your pets you need to anticipate that whatever could go wrong very well might. Spaying and neutering is one of the most responsible actions you can take on behalf of your cat or dog, saving you money as well as helping out a growing population of unwanted litters. You can pair this with dental care for dogs and cats during your next visit to get the full range of health benefits.
Don’t wait until you have a pregnant animal on your hands. Here’s what you should know about a pet neuter clinic.
Did You Know?
Cats and dogs are the most popular pets in the United States. Unfortunately, too many owners neglect to spay or neuter their animals. This leads to a lot of unwanted litters and strays on the streets, putting stress on the economy and leaving many owners spending more money than necessary. Spaying and neutering today is the only 100% effective form of birth control you can provide your cats and dogs. A survey from the American Pet Products Association found over 85% of pet dogs, as well as 90% of pet cats, being either spayed or neutered in-between 2015 and 2016.
It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to taking care of your pet. There are a lot of common misconceptions drifting around concerning the welfare of domesticated animals, with spaying and neutering topping many lists. Your animals, for example, shouldn’t be passed over for a veterinary clinic visit because of their age. Cats and dogs as young as five months old can get pregnant. A fertile dog is able to have an average of two litters per year, as well, and some dogs are able to seem perfectly normal just weeks before they have puppies. Today recommends spaying well before a first litter.
If you haven’t visited a pet neuter clinic lately, mark a visit on your schedule today. The average number of puppies produced in a litter is between six and ten, which can double if your dog is left unattended. Kittens and puppies are able to be spayed or neutered when they reach two months old. The benefits of neutering your pet include saving money, reducing the amount of unwanted litters in animal rescue shelters and preventing the trouble of going back and forth between the veterinary clinic.
Dental Care Services
You can also take care of your pet’s dental health after visiting a pet neuter clinic. Just like humans dogs and cats need to be constantly taking care of their teeth to avoid common gum diseases. By the time your domesticated animal reaches three years of age they run the risk of developing periodontal disease, with 80% of dogs and 70% of cats today having to deal with bleeding, sore gums. Veterinarians regularly explain the importance of brushing whenever pet owners drop by for a check-up. Despite this attempt at increased awareness, a recent study revealed 65% of pet owners do not brush their pet’s teeth.
How Often You Should Take Your Pet To The Vet
You brush your dog’s hair when they come home from a walk to make sure they don’t have ticks. You play with your cat for 20 or 30 minutes per day to perk up their mood and keep them from developing abandonment or anxiety issues. Your local Arizona spay neuter clinic can make sure you and your pet don’t have to go through the trouble of managing a surprise litter. A single unspayed female cat can produce over 4,900 kittens over the course of seven years. Animal shelters are also growing larger by the day due to neglect of pet owners today.
Take the initiative. Visit a pet neuter clinic this year and continue on the path of a responsible pet owner.