Taking Good Care of Your Cat or Dog

Many different species are kept as pets today, and people like to keep pets for the beauty and companionship of the animal. In fact, some animals, usually dogs, can still perform some useful work like they did in pre-industrial times, such as guard dogs. Cats and dogs are the most popular pets kept in the United States today, though many pet owners may also have birds, rabbits, snakes, hamsters, or fish, too. No matter the species, a good pet owner will know how to take care of it, and a pet owner may take their animal to a 24 hour animal hospital for emergency vet options if the animal is injured. Most of the time, though a pet owner will take their charge to regular veterinarian clinics for checkups and medicine. And besides that, a dog or cat owner can take care of their pet in ordinary and easy ways at home, from giving them exercise to noting strange changes in their behavior. For example, how much exercise does a dog need every day? A dog owner might look up “how much exercise does a dog need every day” online, for example.
Regular Pet Care
A lot of pet care is easy enough for a homeowner to do alone. For example, cats and dogs need exercise and time to play, and a new dog owner may wonder “how much exercise does a dog need every day?” Knowing “how much exercise does a dog need every day” is a good start, since some dog breeds need a lot of exertion per day. Many dog breeds were bred with work in mind, and that often reflects in the breed’s name such as “border collie” or “golden retriever” or “springer spaniel.” Siberian huskies may also need a lot of exercise, as will giant Schnauzers. A homeowner may have a backyard where their dog can run around (especially with other dogs), and a homehowner can take simple steps to keep the yard ideal for dogs. The owner should check the wooden or chain link fence for any holes or gaps a dog might use to escape, and the owner may also want to check trees for wasp, hornet, or bee hives, since a dog might agitate these stinging insects and get hurt. A dog owner should also have a dog house or trees around so a dog can cool off in the shade during summer.
Ordinary pet care also means bathing and grooming the pet, often cats and dogs. Cats can groom themselves with their tongues, but some long-haired cats may need some brushing to remove excess hair and help the cat stay cool in summer. Some cats with thick coats or black fur, may get some brushing for the same reason. A dog owner may also brush their pet’s fur, and this can not only remove excess hair but also prevent tangles or fur mats. Fur mats can be itchy for the pet and might even lead to skin problems. And of course, dirty dogs should be washed, typically in a bath tub or in a shallow plastic kid pool.
Going to the Vet Office
A pet owner will brush and bathe their pet, feed it the right food, provide water, and check for any changes in its behavior. But more specialized care will require a visit to a vet clinic, and all sorts of pets may be taken there. A vet will give a cat or dog a physical exam, such as looking over its teeth and gums, eyes, ears, paw pads, and more to find any developing problems. The vet may also take a blood sample or weigh the pet. Cats can be brought in a small carrying crate, and relaxed and friendly dogs can be brought on a leash into the vet clinic’s waiting room.
The owner, meanwhile, may get recommendations on better pet care, and also receive medicine to administer to their cat or dog. This is standard procedure, as many pills and medicine droplets may help a pet fight off disease or kill off internal parasites. Some pills may prevent tapeworms or heart worms from infesting the pet, and certain medicines can be put on the pet’s skin to keep away ticks, fleas, and mites.