Three Ways to Find a Great Vet for Your Dog or Cat

For many Americans, keeping pets is just another way of having a bigger, more loving family. Subsequently, as the American Veterinary Medical Association points out, 43.3 million American households have dogs. On average, each house has 1.6 dogs. Of course, not everybody is a dog person. 30.4% of American households prefer the company of cats, and 3.6 million birds are kept as pets across the country.
Regardless of the kind of animals in your family, it is important to find a vet who can keep your animal healthy and nurse them back to wellness when they are down on their luck. Most veterinarians recommend that we take our pets, regardless of species, in for a full check up annually in order to ensure their health. Of course, trying to find a vet near you who can offer your pet the best possible care is not always easy. If you want to find a veterinarian who can keep your pet healthy, here are three great sources that can help you.
Try Your Local Pet Store
We rely on our local pet stores for everything from medicine to food to toys. However, did you know that your pet store can also make some of the best recommendations for local veterinarians? After all, pet store owners need care for both their personal pets and those they sell. If you need help finding a vet, make your local pet store your first stop.
Ask Friends and Family
Fellow animal lovers among your friends and family also make valuable resources when it comes to your quest to find a vet. By speaking with them, you can find out what they liked or disliked about each of your local veterinary options. In doing so, you can find the best treatment for your furred or feathered friend.
Go Online
The internet represents the single most powerful tool for finding any type of service, veterinary practices included. Unlike your personal connections and local pet store, online reviews for veterinarian hospitals are likely to include in-depth ratings on customer service, care provided, and the prices you should expect for different procedures. If you want a comprehensive review of each vet in your area, then the web is likely your best bet.
Whether you are looking for a 24 hour animal hospital to service emergency needs or a local veterinarian who can offer routine care, these are three sources every animal lover should utilize. In the end, your quest to find a vet is about keeping your best friend happy and healthy. Keep these three tips in mind to help you do so. Reference links.